Thursday, September 22, 2005

Vice Versa

Notion, intention, wish, niat. Somehow it’s laden with such ambiguous travesty. I beg to differ. I'm a person who doesn’t like to waste things up. Not parsimonious but the way I was brought up, due to scarce argent, I will usually complete my meals/drinks until to the last drop. Licin.

But today I’ve decided to let away a big reserve of sugar deposit. Standard procedure of life. You win some, you lose some. These ants were covering every nook and cranny of the flask. Wah, ceria nampak? And I told them, “Well ants, this must be your family lucky day, I think you will have enough supplies until next year”.

Rumours say they are planning to have a week full of all night long orgy parties, perhaps I should have a peek at it. Hohohohohohohohoooo.