Saturday, June 25, 2005


As i am trying to reminisce about the good yesteryear, a reality check hit me straight on my vast illuminations. Subjudice said the brain but it's a mala fide said the soul. I was born with the ability to profound and dilligently interprets the meaning of life. I know what i want to be and the direction is very very clear to me. But obviously this is not enough. I am in daze. And the feeling to hold hands with the one you cherish is not a rocket science.

In my line of industry, i have met with so many sweet young things. Fuckable that more likely. But this poor ghoul doesnt have the urge to move forward. No you bitchass, i'm not gay. Well, not that i have anything against gays but that is different story. Still with me? Or your mind is already in the explicits and tacid sensual libido? Making love is different compared with err... fucking. When we make love, all our mind and passion are channel to the beloved one you have infront of you, or what ever positions you freaks desire.

Again, dont make any conclusion that i am a bed hopper you fucking fuck nor i am not a virgin. Making bad assumption is equivalent to the term fuck yourself. All im saying is making love WITH the one you love is different. Hence the differences between making love and fucking. Fucking can even be done with a duck, or inflated doll. Unless you are a totally nutto who thinks the duck or the doll is your beloved soulmate, may god bless you and give you the best spot in hell. Hah!

For me, i will only make love and i dont fuck. To do that i have to fall in love and maybe get married. That moment of the eternity will only appears in god knows when. And getting hints by the sweet young things are making me more remorse. Sheesh, life is ever demanding. (For you pricks out there who think i will leak the details of the sweet young things, im not a pimp you bitchass! Neeevah!)