Friday, February 03, 2006

Taggie Maggie - Thanks Tina!

I, compounded by perpendicular daily disdain, benevolent me soul in heavenly traits. Encompassing the minority wandering moments, que sera, sera.

As the metal bird basking under perfidious shining glimmer, me, the psychosis in wits, with eyes in delirium, towards multihued azure sea with virgin mountains; and clouds in the sky.

Would a blowjob, that is singular and plural, be of your wishes? Scandinavian neighbours or bushy Japanese. He he he.

Nay, grapes vis-à-vis sound better. For this madmen is a faithful vegetarian “Saya don’t eat meat”.


Random delicious vista, it was not a gloomy day. Drizzles a bit, sunshine a plenty.

Three Junes and a coffee, mighty power within its ray. Dum di dum.

And yeah, steady as she goes. Swimming and dancing, in the soggy loneliness, irrigating water, lost hearts, wet and such. Cyborgs, robots, are the creature of allegory.

Prancing out in the blue, spectacular in the vision. Eternally in time.

After all, we are just human.